Cylindrical Box: the essential shape of Luxury
Something special, with a distinctive elegance and characterized by essential and harmonious lines. We are talking about the round box, symbol of refinement and uniqueness.
In one of our previous articles, we already spoke about the great interest that such a particular box was achieving among packaging for Luxury market.
Today, even more than yesterday, thanks to its stylish and unique shape, the echo of cylindrical box is ever-more resonant. Highly valuable products such as wines, spirits, liqueurs and perfumes are being frequently packed inside of it.

As a matter of fact, one of the luxury brands par excellence - that made of glamorous details its distinguishing feature, launched a limited edition collection of premium fragrances that have been packed inside amazing cylindrical boxes. Starting from the essences that compose fragrances, to the commercial choices of primary and secondary packaging, the final product represents the achievement of absolute perfection.
By selecting a totally cylindrical glass bottle, the brand communicated a pure and quiet elegance, without any decorations or evocative details - it talks about itself, by itself. As a consequence, the box containing the perfume is the mouthpiece of the same idea of perfection: it supports and completely covers its contour. The result is one of the round boxes we love most.

Thus, the packaging has again the leading role. Videos and advertisements, published on the brand’s main social platforms, present the final product drawing customers’ attention to the unicity of the amazing box, a case that can be considered a true collectible piece.

From Emmeci’s point of view, to give customers the possibility to produce automatically round boxes, represented a creative practice. It was the result of a bold technical challenge which dealt with our original and authentic approach. The line realized, the MC2008 ME CB, allows to produce luxury wrapped cylindrical boxes in different sizes, in a totally automatic way.
For more information about MC2008 ME CB, visit our website or contact Emmeci Sales Representatives.