green packaging

Luxury and Sustainabile Packaging: possible with Emmeci

“In Packaging sector, is it possible to combine Luxury and Sustainability?” This the main question behind Build The Box, a series of online meetings we took part in, organized by EasyFairs for Packaging Première. 

“Build the Box” to know more about Luxury and Sustainability in Packaging sector
          Green packaging was the centre of attention, with an interesting focus on Premium Rigid Cardboard Boxes – which have been presented and analysed under specific qualitative and technical aspects. Various topics, really close to us, have been extensively discussed: Luxury, Technological Innovation and Sustainability. In addition, we had the occasion to present Emmeci machines and brand identity.  Long experience, tradition, research, loyal customers, innovation, high technology, are just some of the main aspects that make Emmeci a leader in packaging sector – since 1970s.

green packaging

Our speech @ “Build the Box”
          Two events in which we had the pleasure to virtually meet the main experts in high-quality packaging and to share the stage with them. 
Our speech was a focus on our point of view about Luxury and Sustainability, to describe Emmeci machines’ process to realize wonderful wrapped rigid boxes, that are also the perfect example of green packaging. Many different shapes (round, rectangular, square, hexagonal) and various formats (from extra-small to extra-size): our solutions allow an incredible wide range of top-quality boxes.

green packaging

          Talking about Sustainability, it was of importance to highlight that there are lots of aspects that make Emmeci production “green”.  

First of all, thanks to the possibility to use protein glues, natural inks and green paper and cardboard, the production of boxes with Emmeci lines is totally eco-friendly and respects the three R’s of Sustainability: Recycled, Recyclable, Re-usable.  

As we all know, one of the prerequisites for sustainable production is the low waste of materials. Concerning that point, our state-of-the-art technology and the attention we pay to environmental impact of production, allow a low use and waste of raw materials, right from machine start-up phase. 

Moreover, we discussed about energy supply, lingering over two main aspects: the disposal of water and the use of air. Regarding the first one, water can be withdrawn from the normal company water system and be disposed as a 100% recyclable product. As for air consumption, it is really low - with a consequent reduced use of electricity power.

Lastly, thanks to ever more silent machinery systems, noise pollution has been strongly reduced. 


Let's switch to Sustainable
Education to Sustainability is becoming ever more entrenched, both in adult and in younger generations. Thanks to the many technologies our society is provided, the way to a greener world seems to be absolutely achievable. 

At Emmeci, we are glad to give customers the possibility to realize, thanks to our technologies, aesthetically-pleasant and sustainable boxes, which represent the perfect union between Luxury world expectations and increasing care to the environment. 


To know more about our machines, please visit our website or contact your local Sales Representative. 

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