2020 best-selling Emmeci lines: the boom of Laminating machines
2020 represented an unusual, unexpected, particular and unpredictable year. A year of changes and slowdowns, turnarounds and new habits, both personally and collectively. It was necessary to interface with a new reality and with a different everyday life, marked by long moments of pause from work, from affections, from routine.

2020: a new reality with different needs
Over the past year, the market has changed, showing sales spikes far from all expectations. According to what sector experts stated in Italia Imballaggi, the pandemic has only anticipated some trends that were already expected.
As we have discussed in our December article, consumers are showing a massive preference to some products over others and also greater attention to specific aspects during the shopping experience.
First of all, they are highly taking into account sustainability. As a matter of fact, 2020 has been marked by a more powerful awareness and attention to the environmental impact. Consumption choices are often driven by eco-friendliness aspects and choosing green packaging has never been so important. Can it be considered a spontaneous return to nature?

A second aspect highly considered is the choice of particular colours depending on their ability to evoke and transmit specific feelings: harmony and simplicity on one hand, energy and positivity on the other one.
Further aspect emerged during last year and that will lead important stylistic consequences during 2021 is the need of “well-being”, seen as the pure sensation of pleasure and fulfillment: luxury and elegance of the essence. After all, as Jhon Keats wrote, “a thing of beauty is a joy forever”…
Anyway, 2020 took to first position board games segment growth, showing astonishing sales data - all over the world. Playing together has represented (and still represents) the best way of spending time at home, having fun.

The amazing request of Emmeci Laminating lines
Together with the increasing demand of society games, the market of machinery for their production has also changed.
We proudly have observed a massive growth in the sale of machines for paper and cardboard laminating, fundamental for the automatic production of panels (the scenography of table games). Let’s think about the board of games such as Monopoly, Risiko, Game of the Goose: the paperboard produced by our machines is the battlefield (or playground)!
From America, via Europe, to the Asian countries: everywhere, playing in company around a table is an experience full of magic.
To know more, take a look at our website or request more information to our experts at +390571588034.